Host Registration

Welcome to The Big Iftar Host Registration page. As a host, you have the opportunity to help promote interfaith harmony by opening your home or mosque to members of your community during Ramadan. Your participation will help foster a sense of unity and understanding among people of different cultures and faiths. Thank you for considering joining us as a host.

The Holy Month

Ramadan is a time of spiritual reflection, self-improvement, and heightened devotion, but it is also a powerful catalyst for unity and community building. The act of fasting during Ramadan creates a sense of solidarity, promotingRamadan is a time of spiritual reflection, self-improvement, and heightened devotion, but it is also a powerful catalyst for unity and community building. The act of fasting during Ramadan creates a sense of solidarity, promoting empathy, compassion, and understanding among people of all faiths and backgrounds.

Read Our Latest Blog

The Big Iftar

The Big Iftar

Learn about The Big Iftar, an interfaith event during Ramadan that promotes community building and interfaith harmony. Discover how to participate and connect with people of different faiths ...more

The Big iftar

February 14, 20233 min read